meditation on forgiveness

My thoughts on the meditation for forgiveness were that it was a ok. I really liked the part on forgiving yourself for doing such harm to certain people. The order of forgiveness was actually good for I believe you do have to have the forgiveness of the person you hurt before forgiving yourself. I believe this to be a good first step so that you can forgive them and actually feel the forgiveness, rather than forgiving yourself and not really caring if they forgive you or not. I also feel that the steps forgiving yourself than forgiving the person you has hurt is also get order. I feel this because in order to forgive someone you have to be open and the only way you can be open is to forgive yourself for holding on such hate in your own heart, its more of a release process. Overall I believe it would be great to do this meditation, in a longer process, somewhere alone. I feel that if this meditation was done in this sense than the meditator will have more of a understanding or epiphany and began to cry or breakdown, which is that release that should be fulfilled in this type of meditation.

Eve Ensler

Eve Ensler’s message about social justice really differs from many of the other videos we have looked at that talks about social justice. many ways Eve’s message really differs is that she talks about our inner girl, our inner vulnerability in other words. she talks about how in todays society everyone has silenced the inner girl, we have silenced our inner emotions that make us feel pain, therefore we can do the things we do such as war. if one were to have this inner girl still inside them then maybe we wouldnt be in the state that we as the human race is in. the only video i can actually compare this message to is the very first one i believe where the woman speaker talks about her vulnerability to her audience. she states how she had to be vulnerable and how she finally broke down from being such, for her vulnerability is what made her who she is today. i feel these to are in connection because somehow in some way we all have suppressed the feeling to be open, to feel pain, to be vulnerable. i know me myself personally have suppressed this feeling because as i grew up i was growing into a woman, and as stated by Eve in order to be a woman you have to have a sense of in-dependency, you cant be open to others, you are suppressing your inner girl. the overall message i believe to be of Eve is that if we as a human race wouldnt try and be so powerful and just go back to our natural state of vulnerability, then maybe as a human race we wouldnt be so degrading of others.

So far on my research paper

so far on my research paper i find it a little harder than normal to do. its not the fact that the paper is hard itself its just more of a personal issues are occupying my mind and time at the moment. im finding it hard to concentrate on the things i should be concentrating on. other than that i actually lie the fact the we are given due dates and rough drafts to be turned in. in other classes we just have a due date for that one paper, and i find it to be more of challenge since there is no order or organization to be put into place. the annotations are what really gets me, i say this because every time i read a article, just like professor said, my mind and stand point is constantly changing, im really scared because i don’t want my mind to change to much then there goes all my research out the window. so every time i find myself reading an article that seems as though will change my mind i will stop reading it and pick another one, or even another book. i just cant wait till these papers are done and i can start over with a new semester, new mind, and into my new set of labs.

first 3 Annotations

Olivia Smith
ENG 1920 T/TH 7:30
Ken Harmon
October 10, 2012
Brown, Lynn. “Food Security.” Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. Ed. Solomon H. Katz. Vol. 2. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2003. 12-14. Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources. Gale. Johnson & Wales University. 10 Oct. 2012
This is an article on food security throughout the world. The security of “when every person has physical and economic access at all times to healthy and nutritious food in sufficient quantity to cover the needs of their daily ration and food preferences, in order to live a healthy and active life.” This is a brief article describing the food crisis around the world, such as Africa. They state that the only reason Africa was being recognized at first was because of the AIDS epidemic killing 6 million people, compared to the 12 million who die every day due to lack of food. It also describes what is known as the three fundamental pillars in achieving food security: availability, access to food, and food utilization. I plan on using this information in my paper to show how many countries can’t even take the necessary steps to insure their food security.

McMillian, Rebecca J. (Bryant). “Malnutrition.” Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. Ed. Solomon H. Katz. Vol. 2. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2003. 431-435. Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources. Gale. Johnson & Wales University. 10 Oct. 2012
This is an article about the effects of being malnutrition, under nutrition, and over nutrition. This article also states the nutrients needed in order to prevent the effects of under nutrition. For example, this article states that the cause for under nutrition in many countries is the soil and that some families just aren’t able to obtain many of the items needed in order to prevent this from happening. These families may have low to no income, no social resources, ad no environmental resource either. At the end of this article, they try to address the issue of world hunger and come up with a plan to stop it. I plan on using this article in my paper to show the reader how these countries are categorized into these statements of being malnutrition. I also plan to use this to show the reader how the United States is trying or tried to come up with a plan to help the third world countries.

“Sunshine Helps Bring Clean Drinking Water to Third World Countries.” PR Newswire (August 30, 2012) Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources. Gale. Johnson & Wales University. 10 Oct. 2012
This article is very short, but it shows great information on how there is some work being done to provide the third-world countries with some type of hope. This article describes a solar powered water system that can be used to clean water to those who aren’t lucky enough to have it. This is a great idea considering these countries don’t have electricity; they are using the suns energy. This news is very recent; Aug 30th, 2012 is the date this article was released, it states that this purifier was released one week from that day. They stated that this newly found purifier can possibly save lives and prevent further dirty water formed diseases.
I plan on using this information to help support my claim on how there are people throughout the world trying to help these third-world countries get some kind of hope.

Library Session

During this library demonstration on databases, i learned a lot of information i plan to take with me and use through-out my college career. one in particular that i really liked was the wide range of databases over the internet. i was worried at first on obtaining information from books only. i thought that it was going to be stressful and very very time consuming, but after having this session i realized that my range of books is now unlimited. I also enjoyed the fat that we don’t really have to cite on our own, we can have the work cited for us, the best. this really will take time and stress off my hands. i really enjoyed this session, out of all the sessions i have been to so far, this one seems to be the most helpful in helping me to understand the database more clearly. i really enjoyed the hand on activity also, i feel very comfortable in knowing how to use this database on my own, it actually makes me a bit excited to do my research paper.
even though we aren’t allowed to use the world wide web as a source especially google, i don’t feel threatened anymore for this database is just like a google to me, except that i can actually trust the cites that are given to me.
overall this has been a great experience for me in my college career, this session couldn’t be more perfectly timed, for i have many other research papers that needs to be done, and trusted.


Huey defines social justice as someone who takes from others. In other words he defines America’s justice system based on the fact that America is actually injustice itself. He talks strongly about America even came about; we took from others and tried to call it our own. We pushed those who rightly owned this land in to ditches, reservations, we isolated them. he talks about how the president would make these people give up their justice so that we can make and lay down rules to make out own justice system.Its actually funny though the fact that we went to war with them, “this war gave out more medals than WWI WWII and Korea.” So this makes me believe that there was more pride in killing people for their land, than killing people for freedom and for the lives of others. This social justice isn’t social justice at all, this is actually injustice. The fact that the people we took this land from is out there living in shacks, no electricity, no plumbing, no bed, and barley enough food is ridiculous. If you ask me they should be some of the wealthiest people in the United States. Its crazy to think that in any way was their justice in getting what was ours, that land was never ours. This land was built on injustice, so one can only assume the irony of never having justice in the first place. In other terms, the fact that so many claim America to be injustice can only accept this truth by knowing that this land was built on an injustice stand point to begin with.