
Huey defines social justice as someone who takes from others. In other words he defines America’s justice system based on the fact that America is actually injustice itself. He talks strongly about America even came about; we took from others and tried to call it our own. We pushed those who rightly owned this land in to ditches, reservations, we isolated them. he talks about how the president would make these people give up their justice so that we can make and lay down rules to make out own justice system.Its actually funny though the fact that we went to war with them, “this war gave out more medals than WWI WWII and Korea.” So this makes me believe that there was more pride in killing people for their land, than killing people for freedom and for the lives of others. This social justice isn’t social justice at all, this is actually injustice. The fact that the people we took this land from is out there living in shacks, no electricity, no plumbing, no bed, and barley enough food is ridiculous. If you ask me they should be some of the wealthiest people in the United States. Its crazy to think that in any way was their justice in getting what was ours, that land was never ours. This land was built on injustice, so one can only assume the irony of never having justice in the first place. In other terms, the fact that so many claim America to be injustice can only accept this truth by knowing that this land was built on an injustice stand point to begin with.

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