Eve Ensler

Eve Ensler’s message about social justice really differs from many of the other videos we have looked at that talks about social justice. many ways Eve’s message really differs is that she talks about our inner girl, our inner vulnerability in other words. she talks about how in todays society everyone has silenced the inner girl, we have silenced our inner emotions that make us feel pain, therefore we can do the things we do such as war. if one were to have this inner girl still inside them then maybe we wouldnt be in the state that we as the human race is in. the only video i can actually compare this message to is the very first one i believe where the woman speaker talks about her vulnerability to her audience. she states how she had to be vulnerable and how she finally broke down from being such, for her vulnerability is what made her who she is today. i feel these to are in connection because somehow in some way we all have suppressed the feeling to be open, to feel pain, to be vulnerable. i know me myself personally have suppressed this feeling because as i grew up i was growing into a woman, and as stated by Eve in order to be a woman you have to have a sense of in-dependency, you cant be open to others, you are suppressing your inner girl. the overall message i believe to be of Eve is that if we as a human race wouldnt try and be so powerful and just go back to our natural state of vulnerability, then maybe as a human race we wouldnt be so degrading of others.

2 thoughts on “Eve Ensler

  1. I like your connection between this video and the first one we watched, I hadn’t even thought to remember that video. Now that you say that, I can really see the connection and the importance of having that vulnerability. I hope that I will embrace my inner girl more from today onwards 🙂

  2. I love how you connected this to an earlier video. In fact, I had completely forgotten about that video, but now that you mentioned it, I remember exactly what she was talking about. Vulnerability isn’t necessarily a bad thing after all! (: I also definitely agree that if more people embraced their “inner girl” the world would have the potential of being in a better state than the one it is currently in.

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